Sunday, May 22, 2011

Week 4: The Art of Possibility 9 - 12

This week’s reading has really hit home with me. I am all about action and not talk. I feel that people who talk also blame and nothing every changes. This weeks reading is of the contrary. In chapter ten he talks about the choices I can make to change my world of possibility and untimely anything. I remind myself of this everyday. In fact when growing up anytime we had a tough time or an unexplainable thing would happen that was hard to deal with, my mom would say, “Let go and Let God.” Now I know this is a simple thing but when you really think about it or better, actually DO it, you realized that letting go and not worrying opens up lots of time to DO other things. And doing is what this week and life is all about. If you don’t like something do something to change it or change your opinion about it. Nothing else can happen and you can never expect others to change it for you.

It is from my mom that I also have that same drive to help others. Paying forward moments of opportunity by stepping aside and letting others shine is how I live my life! I am a foot washer. I put other before myself even when it hurts. I try hard to help those around me. In turn, and this is no joke, I am the happiest man in the world. I have not a single complaint in the world. I have a beautiful girlfriend, I have my dream job, I travel, I own real estate, I am fit. I have everything in life I want and I have no complaints about anything. I give credit to paying forward happiness to others for my own happiness. This is a perfect example of how this author is not telling me anything new but instead phrasing it in a way that is new and eye opening. I love it.

In response to creating a framework practice I have found that little notes about big ideas all over my life are perfect reminders of the things I need to hear to keep me in the right state of mind. A note about turning the other cheek in my car helps prevent road rage. A note about accepting everyone at my desk helps remind me that every student is different not wrong (and other teachers just have other ideas). After seeing these notes over and over in the same places the actions they evoke become habit and need no reminders.

The last practice is what I think I do best. I constantly find myself in the position of networker or connector. I seems to know someone who can do something for every situation in my life. Need an oil change, I know a guy. Need a banner, I know a guy. In some situations I am simply the missing piece to a more complicated puzzle and I am always will to fit myself into that puzzle. Someone needs a logo design, I can do it or I know a guy. You need a sign made, you want a website, show me how to photoshop this into that. These things to me are easy and readily available in my life but to others it is a large obstacle on the path of their quest in life. I help them pass it and they are able to move on. I have not done this for others many times but have had this done to me many times. In some situations I meet with someone that seems to be on my path for longer than just one favor and we begin to work in trade together. I do this and you do that. We become a team of strengths that work towards something bigger.

This image is from Creative Commons and was found on a Google Image search.


  1. David, this truly depicts the old adage, "it's not what you know, but who you know". This is a perfect example of being a lifelong learner. Sometimes we think we need to know how to do everything in order to be considered a lifelong learner; however, in my opinion knowing where to find the answers is the epitome of lifelong learning.

    Life is bigger than just you and me. Things get done because we are all cogs in the gears that we call life.

  2. David,

    Excellent post. I like how you talk about having people enter your life for a reason and that it ends up becoming a partnership for building or creating something bigger than if you were to do it on your own. I have found the same to be very true in my life as well. People come into our lives at the perfect time to help us, guide us, teach us, or change our path for a reason. I enjoyed how the Zanders wrote about We in the last chapter as well. Very appropriate for the things we do as teachers.

    Good luck with month 12!
