Sunday, May 15, 2011

Week 2: Free Choice: WIMBA

The WIMBA this week was admittedly a bit redundant. I spend a significant amount of time in Week One watching videos that introduced copyright, videos about copyright, and videos that reviewed everything we just heard about copyright. I wrote a blog about copyright, did some additional research, and then responded to other blogs about copyright. When WIMBA week two came around I was disappointed that what was covered was pretty much a review of week one and not deep thought into what was learned. I understand that we are trying to stay black and white about copyright because of the subjects depth but I felt like I was watching a live version of the same videos I had just watched. I would have enjoyed a deeper look into specific cases o

With that said however, I think the lesson on copyright was great! I feel as though I have a much better understanding of what I am permitted to do and use. I also feel better equipped to support my students as they navigate this increasingly stringent world in their pursuit to make money in a legal way.

1 comment:

  1. I agree that we tend to re-visit a bit too much, but with the big group it's not as easy to get to the deeper stuff, but that's a good observation about what i'd like to do more of.
