Sunday, May 22, 2011

Think Out Loud 1 and 2

I thought we were suppose to put these on our ARP website. I am putting it here just to cover all my bases.

Think Out Loud 1
I have no idea where to start looking to publish. I know that Dr. Bedard has a nice list of conferences and publications that we can use to start but I just don’t know that my research is that large. In fact I am slightly frustrated at the Full Sail folks for leading me this far without warning me that my plan would be rejected. My initial goal was to take this course to the district level and have it approved for Professional Development. I wanted to have every teacher have access to using this course to learn how to use the SRS. My goals and intentions about this have been clear from the beginning and I have prepared my ARP for that purpose. Now I am told that this is not good enough and I need to think broader. I can see how this is a a good thing and I agree but now that I am in month 11 I am frustrated that I was not encouraged earlier to change my thinking to a broader scope. I think at this point I am leaning towards a presentation at a conference and incorporating more about Schoology and how to use it into my presentation.

Think Out Loud 2.

I think I found one! I am a member of the VTEEA and they hold a conference every year. This isn’t the biggest conference but it is definitely the right audience. I want to pursue having a presentation at this event this Summer. I need to get my proposal in soon and it may be late but I emailed some folks and it sounds like I have a good change of getting in even if I am late submitting. I want to go hear because I want to start with a smaller audience and move to a larger audience as I develop and improve my presentation skills and topic. I know I am passionate enough to talk about Schoology but I am not sure that the SRS aspect of my ARP would fit the audience, or any audience. There are no publications by Promethean and my initial audience was to be my district. We are all in a unique situation in that every teacher in the district was just giving this technology without any training on how to use it. We now just let it sit around and do nothing. I know that I could find a well known publication or conference but the audience might be more interested in Schoology than the process I developed for teaching teachers how to use the system. The entire goal of my project was to develop a system that worked for MY district. A tailored way for our district leadership team to streamline the integration of this technology that is sitting doing nothing. There exists a real need for hundreds of people to take this course right now! I plan to pursue this avenue after graduation as well as present at VTEEA this Summer. I think both of these are a great way to gain exposure for my ARP and advance my Action Research to the next level.

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