Wednesday, September 29, 2010

BP_1_Google Reader

Screen shot of David Hotler's Google Reader
RSS Feeds.
I am going to be very honest here.  Up until this very assignment I viewed RSS feeds as a tool used by old people to make websites look more like newspapers.  After really taking a look as some of the feeds I have found I am starting to really appreciate the aggregation and compounded feel of Google Reader.  I just turned 25 so I know this new revaluation has nothing to do with my age and more to do with my recent exploration. So in my new journey I have found some great feeds that deliver information pertinent to my life as a Technology Education Teacher. Here is my list:

As a teacher that has 24 iMacs and 5 iPod Touch's in my classroom I am always looking for new softwares, best practices, and tips for using Mac.  Apple has a great education section that offers some "best practices" from around the globe.  Some of these examples can be idealistic but reading how others use Mac in the classroom is a great way to get new ideas.  MacOSXHints is filled with great tips and hints for getting the most out of your Mac. The site is super simple and down to earth. On the right one can filter all of the hints by topic.  Which is nice when one is just exploring new ideas.

Now as a Technology Education teacher and as a teacher of literacy I am always interested in new technology and having my students read and write.  As a part of my class I have students start a blog using blogger and post to it once a week.  I really like Wired the magazine and have just recently become more interested in their website.  I direct students here and to TED to look for great technology articles that they can blog about.  Many times the student lead me to things I would have never found or have over looked.  This practice is a great way to let the kids find something that interests them and then write. Planet Photoshop is probably the best PS website I have ever been too and now having the feed I am excited to be able to stay up what is new over there.  When students are finished with work in my Imaging Technology class I send them to this site to stay busy.  Even if they just look at what PS can do they are learning something.  I give extra credit for completed tutorials.
Experimental Theology

The last two feeds are listed not as something I use to stay current in my professional feed but something I use to keep my mind sharp.  If you know three things about me you know I love Apple Inc. you know I am obsessed with NPR and I am very spiritual.  I like the NPR RSS feed. It reminds me of the app on my phone.  I get most of my NPR fix on the drive to work.  When I get in I use to listen to the rest of the news and now when I have a few minutes of quite time I can read my NPR RSS feed! The Experimental Theology feed is new as of this assignment. My good friend Micheal George turned me on to this blog as of recent and I have really taken a liking to the thoughts and ideas posted here.  I am a firmly believe that all humans are different paths up the same mountain.  The route we take is not important, just that we climb up each day and help others along the way.

So as I become more RSS savy I hope to find more feeds that really get to the point and bring together the information that I like and want.  For now though these are keeping me busy.

1 comment:

  1. Hi David--I really like this template. And I like that you added something personally nurturing to your feeds--we are all too likely to put that on the back burner. And then we're trying to feed our charges from an empty pot. Walk on!
